There continues to be a shortage of highly qualified teachers prepared to serve students with disabilities throughout the state of California and nationwide. When teachers participate in a relevant and thoughtful course of study with well-respected faculty members and field practitioners, it increases the likelihood that they will remain teaching in the field.
At CSUMB, you will be well prepared to meet the instructional and social needs of students with disabilities. Small class size and individual attention characterize the program. The Special Education Program at CSUMB offers the Preliminary Education Specialist Credentials in Mild to Moderate and Moderate to Severe Disabilities with the English Learner Authorization (ELA or CLAD) along with a Master of Arts in Education, emphasis in Special Education. The Special Education Program also offers a Certificate Program in Behavior Analysis.
Complete ALL of the following courses:
Students in the Intern Program must also complete:
* Course not required for individuals who hold a Clear Multiple or Single Subjects Credential*
NOTE: Individuals who earn a Preliminary Education Specialist Credential will be required to complete a Clear Credential Program offered either through their a CCTC approved program at their district or county office, or university, within 5 years of receiving their Preliminary Credential. Currently a Clear Education Specialist Credential Program is in the planning and development stage at CSUMB.
Complete ALL of the following courses:
Students in the Intern Program also complete:
* Courses not required for individuals who hold a Clear Multiple or Single Subjects Credential*
Complete ALL of the following courses:
In addition, Students must complete either an additional 3 unit elective course OR equivalent non-university professional development activities in an area of specialization. Electives and/or non-university activities = 45 hours or 3 units, or a combination equivalent to 3 units.
Please note: In order to clear the Level I Education Specialist Credential, and complete Level II, you must complete the state's health/CPR and technology requirements and verification by the employing agency of a minimum of two years of fulltime teaching while holding the Preliminary Level I Mild/Moderate Education Specialist Credential.
The program is structured around the working classroom teacher. We offer courses in the evenings, on weekends and throughout the summer.
Students can take classes as a full-time student or a part-time student through the traditional or intern pathway. We also require you to complete a practicum in the first and final semesters of the Preliminary Program.
The Mild/Moderate and Moderate/Severe Education Specialist Credential programs accent preferred instructional practices to help students with disabilities succeed in school and life. While pursuing your credential, you will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed as a special educator and satisfy the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) by successfully completing the listed courses.
CSTP 1 Engaging and supporting all students in learning
CSTP 2 Creating and maintaining effective environments for student learning
CSTP 3 Understanding and organizing subject matter for student learning
CSTP 4 Planning instruction and designing learning experiences for all students
CSTP 5 Assessing student learning
CSTP 6 Developing as a professional educator