If you transferred into CSUMB as an AA-T-certified student in English, you must complete the following courses for your bachelor's degree in Human Communication at CSUMB. If you are unsure about your transfer status, please talk to an advisor.

Download the CCC TMC for English

To complete the requirements of the HCOM degree students must complete at least one course which is designated as RTI -Research/Theory Intensive.

Complete ALL of the following courses:

Complete ONE of the following courses:

Complete ONE of the following courses:

Complete ONE of the following courses:

Complete ONE of the following courses:

Complete ONE of the following courses:

Choose one of the following concentrations and complete the coursework.

English Subject Matter Preparation

Please see English Subject Matter Preparation Program Coordinator Jennifer Fletcher for a full list of required courses.

Literary & Film Studies

Complete THREE of the following courses:

Writing & Rhetoric

Complete THREE of the following courses:

Creative Writing & Social Action

Complete THREE of the following courses:

Students must also demonstrate second language proficiency through the 201 level.

If you need to begin language study at the 101 level, consult your department chair to determine your 60 unit pathway.