We offer two alternatives for earning your single subject credential: traditional and internship. The traditional version of the single subject program offers opportunities for you to gain classroom experience through student teaching under the supervision of a master teacher.
CSUMB's Single Subject Teaching Internship Program, in conjunction with the Monterey County Office of Education, gives you the opportunity to earn your credential while teaching. This option is directed toward students who have had significant experience teaching in schools prior to enrolling in the program. In the internship program, students are hired by local districts and assume full responsibility for teaching. If you qualify to enter the Single Subject program and are hired by a district, a teacher from your school will be selected as a mentor to help you through the internship experience.
Both credentialing alternatives are designed for individuals who are interested in teaching in linguistically and culturally diverse middle and high schools. Consequently, in both programs you will be given a choice between an English Learner Authorization (ELA) emphasis and a bilingual cross-cultural language and academic development (BCLAD) emphasis for Spanish language. Both the ELA and BCLAD emphasis credentials will authorize you to teach students from non-English backgrounds. The difference is that the BCLAD authorizes you to teach in bilingual settings, both in Spanish and in English, while the ELA authorizes you to teach only in settings where instruction is provided primarily through English.
College of Professional Studies > School of Education > Teacher Education Department > Single Subject Program
Education ~ Teacher Education ~ English ~ Math ~ Science ~ Social Studies ~ Foreign Language
English ~ Math ~ Science ~ Social Studies ~ Foreign Language
Revised 7/14/05