Social and Behavioral Sciences, B.A. ~ Distinguishing Features

We encourage students to develop a professional identity through the study of a traditional social and behavioral science such as anthropology, economics, geography, history, psychology, or sociology.

You will publish and presents a project-based Capstone during your senior year to demonstrate your competence as a professional social scientist.

Service learning, the process of learning with the community while providing something in return, brings together students, scholars, volunteers, and trustees to work with local, state, federal, and global organizations.

Professional assessment courses bring you into contact with other aspiring social scientists as you prepare a detailed plan of study to help you achieve your career and occupational objectives.

Advanced electronic technologies bring you closer to your work, your colleagues, and your professors. SBS and CSUMB provide you with one of the world's best online libraries, your own email account, and storage space of your own on campus servers.

Revised 3/25/05