Health and Wellness Minor ~ Faculty and Student Quotes

It was more than what I expected and everything that I needed.  We learn about stress management, healthy eating, exercise, and developing and maintaining healthy relationships.  With all these important factors come the development of organization skills and a strong sense of prioritizing.  After only one semester I have noticed a great change in my habits and lifestyle.  I am relaxed, I eat better and I am now exercising.  I am also doing well in my classes and I feel that is is a result of my improved lifestyle.
 - Maria E. Reyes, CSUMB   graduate

While the lives of college students are challenged and stressed by a wide variety of demands and expectations, a minor in health and wellness seeks to assist students in balancing them by providing relevant knowledge and skills.  It is anticipated that this enrichment in their curriculum will both improve the quality of their personal lives as well as contribute to the well-being of those with whom they work.
- Barbara Sayad, Ph.D., M.P.H., Health & Wellness Faculty

The Health and Wellness Minor is about providing learning experiences that enable students to accept a definition of "health" that goes beyond mere freedom from disease and encompasses the field of "wellness." Inherent in the minor is the recognition that behavior and your decisions—physical, mental, emotional, social, intellectual, and spiritual—play a key role not only in the development of disease, but also in your ability to resist disease and maintain optimum health and wellness.
-bobbi bonacé, Ph.D., Chair, Human Performance and Wellness