Public Policy, Interdisciplinary M.A.~ Degree Requirements

Semester Credits Required

Total credits in the program: 50

  • 31 credits of core courses
  • 9 credits of concentration and electives
  • 10 credits of internship and research seminars)

Credits at CSUMB: 50

Internship Requirement

You may complete a required 400-hour policy internship related to your area of concentration through an intensive fulltime summer experience or part-time during your course of study. (Some students may use employment-based internship experience.)

Outcomes, Courses, and Assessment

You officially begin the program by enrolling in the MPP 500 Master’s Seminar. The course instructor will work with you to design an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) that maps out how you will achieve the Learning Outcomes designated below by successfully completing the listed courses or alternative assessment options. You conclude the program by completing your Applied Policy Analysis (APA) Project in an agency or organization. APA Projects are presented in the Spring MPP Policy Forum.

LO1 Collaborative Leadership ~ Demonstrate the ability to involve community stakeholders and key decision-makers in developing, articulating and sustaining a policy vision.

  • Complete: MPP 540 Collaborative Leadership & Ethical Policymaking

LO2 Communication ~ Demonstrate the ability to communicate complex policy ideas to a variety of individuals and groups and an understanding of the elements, dynamics, and mechanics of personal and professional communication.

  • Complete both of the following: MPP 500 Masters Seminar; MPP 600 A & B Applied Policy Analysis Research Seminar

LO3 Critical Thinking ~ Demonstrate appropriate care and deliberation whether or not one should accept, reject, or suspend judgment about a claim and decide the degree of confidence with which one can make that determination.

  • Complete: MPP 600 A & B Applied Policy Analysis Research Seminar

LO4 Cross-Cultural Competence ~ Demonstrate an understanding of the role diverse cultural values and attitudes play in political participation, and the development and implementation of public policy. Demonstrate capability of communicating and negotiating with individuals from racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds different than one's own.

  • Complete: MPP 510 Introduction to Policy Analysis & Comparative Public Action

LO5 Economics ~ Demonstrate an understanding of market economies, market institutions, the strengths and limitations of markets on public policy, and the rationale for government intervention.

  • Complete both of the following: MPP 610 Economic Analysis of Public Policy I; MPP 620 Economic Analysis of Public Policy II

LO6 Ethics ~ Demonstrate the ability to articulate the values and ethics that are inherent in the roles of those who develop, promote, and implement public policy and apply them appropriately; adopt an ethical approach when participating in activities to develop, promote, and implement public policy; support those policies that allow responsible parties to respond with care to those who need it; and support those policies that promote social justice and inclusivity.

  • Complete: MPP 540 Collaborative Leadership & Ethical Policymaking

LO7 Information Technology/Management ~ Demonstrate the ability to use information technologies to support public policy development and implementation; to define requirements for improved information systems and information management methods; and to manage information collection, analysis, and dissemination in support of public policy process.

  • Complete: MPP 530 Applied Policy Research & Quantitative Analysis Methods

LO8 Knowledge & Skills in Multiple Disciplines ~ Demonstrate the ability to critically analyze the major public policy issues in a variety of the major fields including but not limited to the following: public health, social welfare, medical care, business, government, environment, land use, watershed resources, marine science resource protection, and demonstrate competence in two selected areas of concentration.

  • Complete the following: MPP 696 A,B,C Professional Policy Internship Seminar
  • Complete two concentration courses and one elective course from among the following:
    Health and Social Policy Concentration: HSP 650 Health Policy Analysis & Advocacy; HSP 651 Social Policy Analysis
    Government Politics and Policy Concentration: GPP 650 Money, Media & Influence in Policymaking Environments ;GPP 651 Budget Policy
    With MPP Director approval, you may select an elective other than those listed here.

LO9 Legislative Processes ~ Demonstrate an understanding and ability to communicate across the various bodies and interrelationships in the legislative process.

  • Complete: MPP 520 Presidential & Congressional Politics and Policy

LO10 Policy Analysis ~ Demonstrate the ability to identify and analyze a policy issue and present well-informed policy recommendations; identify and work with all actors in the policy review and approval process; and secure approval and implementation of recommended policies.

  • Complete: MPP 510 Introduction to Policy Analysis & Comparative Public Action

LO11 Political Institutions and Processes ~ Demonstrate an understanding of the formal and actual processes of democratic policy making and the changing institutional context influenced by culture and events over time.

Complete: MPP 520 Presidential & Congressional Politics and Policy

LO12 Program Planning, Budgeting, and Evaluation ~ Demonstrate knowledge of public sector finance and the budgeting process, and skill in financial planning, budget preparation, monitoring, analysis, and program and policy evaluation.

  • Complete both of the following: MPP 630 Strategic Management & Systems Analysis;MPP 640 Financial Management & Applied Public & Nonprofit Budgeting

LO13 Research and Data Skills ~ Demonstrate the ability to analyze trends in the economy, technology, sociocultural issues, and political issues at various levels and sectors of society.

  • Complete: MPP 530 Applied Policy Research & Quantitative Analysis Methods

Revised 7/1/05